Flying Through The Web: VRML
Publisher: New Riders
ISBN: 1-56205-521-6
Price: $30
Pages: 250
Published: 1996
Goodies: CD-ROM
For more information:
Notes: A quick-start guide to exploring 3D worlds on the Internet's World Wide Web. This exciting new title brings this technology to all Web users and shows them how to navigate 3D VRML worlds and objects. Flying Through The Web: VRML is a straightforward guide that provides the information and tools for utilizing VRML, explains how to configure and use a VRML browser, and offers comparative analysis of the various browsers available. This book presents the basics behind VRML world construction.
Title: The Official Internet World 60 Minute Guide to VRML
Author: Sebastian Hassinger and Mike Erwin
Publisher: IDG
ISBN: 1-56884-710-6
Price: US$19.99
Pages: 256
Published: October 1995
For more information:
Notes: From the publishers of VRWorld magazine, this guide is a fast authoritative resource on the 3D Internet. It provides a quick introduction to the new Web publishing language designed to bring 3D images to the fast growing Web environment.
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Added to the Booklist: May 26, 1996
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