FAQ: How can I send a fax from the Internet?

Production-Class Faxing (Fax Server Software/Outsourcing)

Looking for production-class electronic faxing capabilities? You can either install your own fax server and software, or outsource to a fax service provider.


Free enterprise-class Internet-to-fax server software for Linux and Unix. Source code is available. Latest release 6.0.6 June 05, 2012 (download link on site.)
Rated by 12 people. Reliability: 6.8. Cost: 6.3. Features: 5.9. Satisfaction: 6.8. (Each out of 7.)
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[Verified 4/9/2015]


Pangea solutions run on both Windows and Linux platforms, and include Web administration and reporting tools. Pangea also offers network services for fax transmission through its global network of nodes.
Rated by 7 people. Reliability: 5.1. Cost: 5. Features: 4.3. Satisfaction: 5.1. (Each out of 7.)
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[Verified 4/9/2015]

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