Kevin's Fridge Magnets

w h i c h _ a r e _ t h e _ m a g n e t s _ o n e s _ _

Put your own message on the fridge | Reload this page

Other recent messages left on the fridge:

Anderk K. Eotuss was here.
Deco Mahdi unscheduled Concho cubed 9973
Two or three (2 or3)
das Wathilbascher haz Kikt le buKet
Not that many people use this?
Not that many people use this?
there are NO prehensile magnets
Dinkage Maskaat was here.
Noone Falls = No One Falls
the boston (b)ruins suck
Are you a diseased buffaloon? Bill Cody wants to know.
Go Knicks!
Change the thing….what thing?
Now Here = Nowhere
Goobanee Cribeyer was here.
I Like Numbers
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
You make no sense
Goo Phough was her
then goof off
My managers never here
excessive frijibberish
Watch Your Tongue You Rearranger You
Moe Spoony was there
k s rd c
Tab outlast oddball varicose Laroche fy
more frijibberish!
Do Wyckoff Nagel lbs observation markdown
more numbers!
F U 2 !
Dp7 heh labrum fku

This jumble of letters are plastic refrigerator magnets. As a child, you may have had a set of these stuck on (and under) your fridge. These colored, plastic alphabet magnets were a part of my childhood, and now they can be a part of yours. The messages above were left by others who've been in my kitchen. Type in a short message to rearrange the magnets yourself.

A note to parents: the fridge is an uncensored forum where anyone can leave short, anonymous messages. Although most people enjoy the fridge in the spirit of good clean fun, some folks do write things that are inappropriate for children.

Send me comments, suggestions and bug reports.

The fridge was plugged in on 9-9-95.

Foam Bath Fish Time - Kevin Savetz's home page - E-mail Kevin