Your Internet Consultant - The FAQs of Life Online

9.27. What is Electronic Frontier Canada?

The EFC is a nongovernmental organization founded to ensure that the beliefs and tenants of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms remain intact with the sudden rise of new technologies and advancements in communications.

Their Internet site includes relevant court decisions, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and EFC Press Releases.

Gopher to Information/EFC-Electronic Frontier
Canada Gopher
Note: If you live in Canada, check out the Canadian Internet Handbook by Jim Carroll and Rick Broadhead. This book tells Canadians everything they need to know about the Internet. It's a huge directory of Canadian Internet service providers, with a list of Gopher servers and campus-wide information systems in Canada, and lists of Canadian-based Usenet groups, WWW, Archie, IRC servers, and online catalogs. It's published by Prentice Hall Canada. (ISBN 0-13-304395-9. 414 pages, Price: $16.95) For more information send e-mail to or call (800) 567-3800 (toll-free in Canada) or (416) 293-3621 (from elsewhere).

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