Learning to Use the World Wide Web

Author: Ernest Ackermann
Publisher: Franklin, Beedle & Associates, Inc.
ISBN: 1-887902-03-1
Price: $20.00 (approximate)
Pages: 350 (approximate)
Goodies: EarthLink TotalAccess (software that provides Internet access)
Published: April 1996
For more information: http://www.fbeedle.com
Notes: This is an introduction to the Internet through the World Wide Web using Netscape Navigator. All the important features are covered with an example-driven approach: e-mail, Web sites, searching for and collecting information, etiquette, Internet ethical issues, and accessing and using common UNIX-based Internet utilities such as Gopher and anonymous FTP. An appendix will provide coverage of Java and JavaScript. This is the follow up to Ackermann's popular textbook titled "Learning to Use the Internet." It is written for students who have no experience with using the Internet. The book is also available with EarthLink TotalAccess (software that provides Internet access).

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