Special Edition Using VRML
Author: Stephen Matsuba and Bernie Roehl
Publisher: Que
ISBN: 0-7897-0494-3
Price: $49.99
Pages: 700
Goodies: CD
Published: Feb 1996
For more information: http://www.mcp.com/que/
Notes: This overall reference for VRML introduces the essential
elements of this latest Internet animation and sound development
technology. You'll receive in-depth instruction on the mechanics
of VR, and essential math and 3D modeling by VRML experts.
The CD includes Worldview, a stand-alone VRML browser;
WebFX, a tool that integrates VRML with Netscape, and more tools
to help you create your own VRML software.
Click here to order this book from amazon.com
Added to the Booklist: May 24, 1996
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