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Sigskall and Egbert Review August Program

Date: August, 1987
Keywords: humor
Text: Sigskall and Egbert Re view August Program. In keeping with our policy of adapting to the fact that our mem bers lead busy lives we present this critical review of the August pro gram by noted Video Critics, Jane Sigskall and Rosalind Egbert. Due to limitations of space only the summary of the review is presented here: Sigskall: ''So, in review I'd have to say that Apple World, l987 is a video characterized by a sympathetic, posssibly even haunting, tenderness which accurately brings to the T.V. screen the hopes, and dreams of a young dynamic and creative company excited about doing important and significant work.'' Egbert: ''Hogwash Jane, pure hogwash. It was trite, propagandistic and insipid. In fact it is the kind of thing you would only see at a Sum mer pro-gram of a Mac User's Group when everybody is on vacation and the steer ing committee is looking for a quick program fix. It was the kind of program only a Mac owner could love.'' Sigskall: ''Well Roz, I'm a Mac owner and I thought it was lovely. And I think you are probably, in addition to being stupid, illiterate, and uncaring, a closet owner of an I.B.M. clone.'' Egbert: ''Jane, there is something I always wanted to tell you. You are a rotten critic, a braying jackass, you are color blind and tone deaf and besides you make bad biscuits.'' Sigskall: ''Roz, I resent that terribily, I do not make bad biscuits.'' And there you have it folks, an objective review of our August program by a pair of dis ate critics.

Copyright © august, 1987 by Date: August, 1987

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