The first 25 countries to connect to the Internet, and when they did so
The Internet started in the 1960s as a single network, the United States government's
ARPANet, but it now encompasses about 10,000 other networks of all sizes around the
world. It's hard to pinpoint a specific birthdate for the Internet, but the InterNIC,
a main network information center, has dubbed July 1988 the month the Internet was born.
Here's a list of the first 25 countries to hook in to what would become the world's
computer network.
- United States (July 88)
- Canada (July 88)
- France (July 88)
- Finland (November 88)
- Denmark (November 88)
- Iceland (November 88)
- Norway (November 88)
- Sweden (November 88)
- Netherlands (January 89)
- Mexico (February 89)
- New Zealand (April 89)
- United Kingdom (April 89)
- Australia (May 89)
- Israel (August 89)
- Italy (August 89)
- Japan (August 89)
- Germany (September 89)
- Puerto Rico (October 89)
- Chile (April 90)
- Belgium (May 90)
- Austria (June 90)
- Brazil (June 90)
- Greece (July 90)
- Argentina (October 90)
- Singapore (May 91)
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Copyright © 1994, 1995, 2004 by Kevin Savetz. The information in this book was collected in 1994-1995 and has not been updated since.