The first 25 countries to connect to the Internet, and when they did so

The Internet started in the 1960s as a single network, the United States government's ARPANet, but it now encompasses about 10,000 other networks of all sizes around the world. It's hard to pinpoint a specific birthdate for the Internet, but the InterNIC, a main network information center, has dubbed July 1988 the month the Internet was born. Here's a list of the first 25 countries to hook in to what would become the world's computer network.
  1. United States (July 88)
  2. Canada (July 88)
  3. France (July 88)
  4. Finland (November 88)
  5. Denmark (November 88)
  6. Iceland (November 88)
  7. Norway (November 88)
  8. Sweden (November 88)
  9. Netherlands (January 89)
  10. Mexico (February 89)
  11. New Zealand (April 89)
  12. United Kingdom (April 89)
  13. Australia (May 89)
  14. Israel (August 89)
  15. Italy (August 89)
  16. Japan (August 89)
  17. Germany (September 89)
  18. Puerto Rico (October 89)
  19. Chile (April 90)
  20. Belgium (May 90)
  21. Austria (June 90)
  22. Brazil (June 90)
  23. Greece (July 90)
  24. Argentina (October 90)
  25. Singapore (May 91)

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Copyright © 1994, 1995, 2004 by Kevin Savetz. The information in this book was collected in 1994-1995 and has not been updated since.