A JPEG photo of a baby hedgehog. Awww.
A collection of picture pattern resources (for the Macintosh) featuring Sonic the Hedgehog.
A message thread concerning a song about hedgehogs. Although most of it isn't appropriate for a family book, here's one of the cleaner stanzas: "When the hedgehog meets with a hedge-sow he likes / She lifts up her tail to wiggle it. / They carefully line up the both sets of spikes / Nor else there won't be no hedge-pig lets."
A short but silly story from the Wall Street Journal about a company that was sued for making "hedgehog-flavored potato chips." The article also tells of St. Tiggywinkles, a hospital located in the English Midlands, exclusively for hedgehogs. "Hapless hedgehogs are sent from all over, mostly through British Rail's overnight parcel service, which has a special rate for shipping injured hedgehogs."
Copyright © 1994, 1995, 2004 by Kevin Savetz. The information in this book was collected in 1994-1995 and has not been updated since.