15 most expensive newsgroups

This list shows the newsgroups with the highest "cost ratio," the estimated amount of money that is spent on behalf of each reader, worldwide, on telephone and computer costs to transmit a particular newsgroup. A newsgroup with a very high volume of messages but a very low readership costs more per reader than a newsgroup with the same message volume but a lot of readers.
  1. alt.binaries.sounds.tv (which costs about $1.60 per month per reader)
  2. alt.binaries.sounds.mods ($1.10)
  3. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica ($1.10)
  4. soc.culture.puerto-rico (99 cents)
  5. alt.binaries.pictures.anime (95 cents)
  6. rec.games.deckmaster (92 cents)
  7. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.male (87 cents)
  8. alt.binaries.sounds.misc (82 cents)
  9. alt.binaries.pictures.misc (74 cents)
  10. alt.chinese.text (58 cents)
  11. bit.listserv.skeptic (55 cents)
  12. alt.test (52 cents)
  13. alt.binaries.multimedia (50 cents)
  14. alt.binaries.pictures.supermodels (46 cents)
  15. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.orientals (45 cents)

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Copyright © 1994, 1995, 2004 by Kevin Savetz. The information in this book was collected in 1994-1995 and has not been updated since.