Your Internet Consultant - The FAQs of Life Online
1.2. OK, I have Internet access. What can I do?
You can do so much with the Internet that it would be impossible to list
everything here. Here's a sampling:
- Send electronic mail to your kid at college.
- View up-to-the-minute satellite weather maps.
- Download the latest and greatest software for your home computer.
- Play chess (or just about any other game you like) with people thousands of miles away or right down the hall.
- Sell your used computer, truck, or Beatles records.
- Subscribe to electronic magazines.
- Order flowers and buy some compact discs.
- Get a complete list of every episode of The Simpsons.
- Have virtual sex.
- Develop an electronic storefront to sell whatever it is that you sell.
- Talk with experts about hypnotherapy. photography, mammography, philosophy, botany, psychology, or Disney.
- Read the complete works of Shakespeare.
- Access a dozen medical databases and directories.
- Find a recipe for tofu enchiladas.
- Search the card catalog at the Library of Congress.
- Send a fax to your mom.
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