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news.lists (moderated) #1013 (7 more) From: newsstats@uunet.UU.NET Subject: Total traffic through uunet for the last 2 weeks Date: Mon Jan 24 09:08:44 PST 1994 Organization: UUNET Communications
673328 articles, totaling 1251.764104 Mbytes (1607.763435 including headers), were submitted from 43439 different Usenet sites by 141421 different users to 8910 different newsgroups for an average of 89.411722 Mbytes (114.840245 including headers) per day. Only categories receiving an average of 1 or more article per day are listed. Article Total Category Count Mbytes Percent Mbytes alt 173977 558.572659 44.6% 655.361424 rec 138678 210.941356 16.9% 282.061621 comp 116142 181.985099 14.5% 243.368251 soc 52397 110.112458 8.8% 140.527408 misc 26957 39.500316 3.2% 53.869506 talk 18405 39.457156 3.2% 51.367199 de 10700 37.951659 3.0% 44.142952 sci 19820 34.986043 2.8% 45.692273 bit 22798 33.823799 2.7% 50.226438 news 4450 28.623819 2.3% 31.309438 relcom 34356 28.225976 2.3% 51.535220 zer 18443 26.276050 2.1% 39.191961 clari 34149 25.542684 2.0% 44.816616 fj 10013 19.357237 1.5% 25.526185 cbd 7119 9.626486 0.8% 12.965948 americast 2857 8.750183 0.7% 9.900073 maus 12481 7.078011 0.6% 14.258556 ba 5214 6.660749 0.5% 9.211163 ncar 4229 5.991553 0.5% 7.817455 sfnet 4466 5.332375 0.4% 7.700691 gnu 2119 4.938273 0.4% 6.053602 ca 1607 4.605775 0.4% 5.455496