Your Internet Consultant - The FAQs of Life Online

7.29. I have heard that gazpacho is really good, but I don't know where to find a recipe. Are there recipes on the Internet?

This is another job for WAIS. This time I'll start out by searching the directory-of-servers for keywords cook recipe cookbook food.
001:   [1000] (directory-of-se)  usenet-cookbook
002:   [ 522] (directory-of-se)  recipes
003:   [ 304] (directory-of-se)  usdacris
004:   [ 261] (directory-of-se)  ANU-Australia-NZ-History-L
005:   [ 261] (directory-of-se)  ANU-Tropical-Archaeobotany
006:   [ 261] (directory-of-se)  Omni-Cultural-Academic-Resource
007:   [ 261] (directory-of-se)  com-papers
008:   [ 261] (directory-of-se)  cool
The first two look likely, so I'll u (use) them both and then use the w command to enter the keyword of gazpacho. The results of our search through these two recipe databases are as follows:
  #    Score     Source                       Title
001:   [1000] (        recipes)  "J. F. 'Fr Re: Gazpacho
002:   [ 750] (        recipes)  mblum@chao Re: Re: REQUEST: Gazpacho Sou
003:   [ 375] (        recipes)  natalie@me Re: REQUEST: Gazpacho Soup
004:   [ 375] (        recipes)  jjsulliv@C Re: Re: REQUEST: Gazpacho Sou
005:   [   1] (cmns-moon.think)  *** HELP for the Public CM WAIS Server *
Hmmm. Looks as though the recipes database was useful, so let's have a look at the first item on the list, #1.
From: "J. F. 'Fritz' Schwaller" <SCHWALLR@ACC.FAU.EDU>
Subject: Gazpacho
Organization: Taronga Park BBS
Date: Wed, 5 May 1993 08:25 EDT

    Please note that Gazpacho is a Spanish and not a Mexican dish. It is 
especially popular in the southern part of Spain known as Andalucia, the 
region where Cordoba, Granada, and Seville are located. Since nearly all of

the colonists of the Americas had to pass through Andalucia on their way to

the New World, they tended to pick up the regional dishes.
    When it reaches 44-46~ C in Ecija, in Andaluca, and maybe only 42~ in

Seville, in July, the population literally lives on gazpacho. For 12-14
a day it is just too hot to eat, much less chew or cook. Between noon and 6
you retreat to the privacy of your home, strip, lie on the cool floors to
or nap, take cold showers or baths, and sip gazpacho straight from the frig
keep up your strength. Maybe around midnight you'll quick fry a chop or fish

and eat cold potato salad for "cena," then go out for a constitutional
But thank God you had gazpacho for lunch and tea time. Out in the parks and

sidewalks of the city you'll find most of your neighbors at 1 or 2 AM doing

the same thing. By the way, we've never had the same gazpacho twice, each
is slightly different. Don't bother to try for consistency, just enjoy each

for its uniqueness. One might be a little garlicky, another thinner, or more

peppery. They are all incredibly nutritious and refreshing.


5-6 medium tomatoes, peeled, seeded, and diced
1/2 medium onion, diced
1 small clove garlic
1 medium cucumber, peeled and diced
1 small bell pepper, diced
1/2 cup bread crumbs
1/2 cup high quality olive oil
2 Tbs. wine vinegar
S & P to taste

     In a blender add all of the vegetables. Blend until fairly smooth. Add

the bread crumbs. If necessary add a small amount of tomato juice or cold

water to maintain the consistency. While the blender is running on medium

slow, slowly add the olive oil. Place the soup in a serving dish.
at this point until serving time. Prepare dishes of diced tomatoes,
pimiento or bell pepper, hard boiled egg, and crutons. Allow guests to
their soup.

J. F. "Fritz" Schwaller, Associate Dean

The Schmidt College of Arts and Humanities    schwallr@fauvax
Florida Atlantic University                   (407) 367-3845
Boca Raton, FL  33431                         FAX (407) 367-2752
Great! You can see that this also includes some valuable and interesting information on the particular food as well as a recipe itself.

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