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This Internet site gives general information about Statistics Canada, including press releases and a description of its services. It also points the visitor to other government Gophers and announces relevant conferences and workshops. It also points users toward other Internet Tools (other Gophers, Archie, Veronica, WAIS, WWW).
The service also offers StatsCan's publication, The Daily. It releases statistical data and publications produced by Statistics Canada. It is a source guide for newly released data. It contains weekly and monthly schedules of upcoming major news releases. It announces the availability of electronic products and new services from Statistics Canada, as well. The Daily is published every business day in both official languages. This site also allows the user to search The Daily, and provides an archive source for the publication.
Statistics Canada offers a listserver that automatically provides subscribers with up-to-date information. (A perfect Xmas idea for those number crunchers in the family!) To subscribe to Statistics Canada's Listserver, send an e-mail message
To: Subject: <leave subject line blank> Body: subscribe statcan yourfirstname yourlastnameFor interactive use, Gopher to or FTP to
Here's an example of some of the thrilling information available from Statistics Canada.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Apparent per capita consumption of red meats 1993 On a carcass-weight basis, the apparent per capita consumption of beef was 31.8 kg in 1993, compared to 32.3 kg in 1992. Veal consumption decreased to 1.4 kg per capita, from 1.5 kg. But mutton and lamb consumption increased to 0.9 kg per capita, from 0.8 kg. And pork consumption decreased to 27.5 kg per capita, from 28.3 kg. On a retail weight basis, the apparent per capita consumption of beef was 23.2 kg in 1993, compared to 23.5 kg in 1992. Pork consumption decreased to 20.9 kg per capita, from 21.5 kg. Estimates of the apparent per capita consumption of red meats have been revised back to 1971, in order to reflect revisions to the estimates of Canada' s population. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crushing statistics March 1994 Oilseed processors crushed 190 thousand tonnes of canola in March 1994, a 14% increase from February 1994 and an 8% increase from March 1993 (176 thousand tonnes). Canola crushings for the current crop year (from August 1, 1993 to July 31, 1994) continued at a record 1.5 million tonnes. Canola oil output totalled 79 thousand tonnes in March, while canola meal production was 116 thousand tonnes. Oil stocks declined to 26 thousand tonnes in March 1994, from 35 thousand in February. Canola meal stocks were 38 thousand tonnes in March.