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3.30. How do I manipulate files with UNIX?

Following are some important commands for manipulating files and directories. I've put them more or less in the order of most common use. First thing's first, though: use and love the man (manual) command. Typing man cp, for instance, will tell you everything you could want to know about the cp command. Type man man and man intro for general system help. Most of the following commands take special options, called arguments, for tweaking how they work. There isn't room here to list each command's options and arguments, so make judicious use of the man command.
Note: Some files in UNIX are normally invisible (or hidden files). Any filename that begins with a period, such as .newsrc and .login, isn't normally shown with the ls command. You can see them, however, if you explicitly ask to see all files by adding the a argument to the ls command: type ls -a or ls -aCF (yes, capitalization matters!) to see your invisible files. Invisible files usually specify your system configuration and preferences information--or, perhaps you simply have something to hide.

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