Your Internet Consultant - The FAQs of Life Online

7.38. What's the best source for weather information?

It's hard to identify the best source, but it's easy to identify a terrific service that you can always check: the Weather Underground, a service run by the University of Michigan. Simply type telnet 3000 to get there, and then work through the menu system. To depress myself, I worked through the options to obtain current Caribbean weather data.
                  WEATHER        HIGH     LOW      PCPN    TIME
                                 F/C      F/C       IN      HR

ACAPULCO          FAIR          87 31    64 18
BARBADOS          FAIR          87 31    75 24
BERMUDA           CLOUDY        73 23    62 17
BOGOTA            PTCLDY        68 20    46  8
CURACAO           PTCLDY        89 32    78 26
FREEPORT          PTCLDY        82 28    66 19
GUADALAJARA       PTCLDY        89 32    54 12
GUADELOUPE        FAIR          89 32    71 22
HAVANA            PTCLDY        86 30    69 21
KINGSTON          FAIR          89 32    73 23
MONTEGO BAY       FAIR          87 31    75 24

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